My letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

My Daddy recently explained to me what Christmas is all about.  I’ll be honest with you, I was pretty shocked.  You can see my reaction.

Ellora learns about Christmas!
Ellora learns about Christmas!

AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!  I get more presents!  I get to ask for whatever I want?  I thought about it and then realised that it is pretty much business as usual for me.  I’ve been getting loads of presents and people have been coming to visit me.  I suppose it would be nice for other people to get presents too but they need to be good, and I know for a fact that some people aren’t.  Daddy told me about Uncle Reeves.  Look at him – I bet you don’t give him any presents

I think he drank something funny.
I think he drank something funny.

Anyway can I please have the following for Christmas?  Please please please!

1.  I want everyone else to wear flat caps like my Mama.

He is so cool.
He is so cool.

2.  I want Uncle Adam to give me a cuddle again (but maybe not look so scared?)

It's ok - I won't bite!
It’s ok – I won’t bite!

3.  I want my mummy to stop dressing me up as animals.

Somebody get me out of this.
Somebody get me out of this.

4.  I want Mummy to find Dougie and stop pestering me.

5.  I want Dida to stop telling me scary stories.

Why does she do this?
Why does she do this?

6.  Above all else I want all of my friends and family to have a lovely Christmas whatever they are doing!

Check out my jumper!
Check out my jumper!

Thanks Santa

P.S. A pair of shoes would be nice too.  Preferably designer.  And something with a nice heel….

Put out your bats!

So since my last post it has been a very sad time for world cricket.  Daddy is a big cricket fan and he has been teaching me about the game.  He told me that a player called Phillip Hughes passed away recently after being hit in the neck by a cricket ball.   Everyone in my house was shocked by this and a little upset.

Tribute to Phillip Hughes
Tribute to Phillip Hughes

So recently Mummy took me to get measured and weighed for my six week check up and they said that I was fine.  They said that I was always going to be small but that I was growing fine.  My Daddy was really happy – he said that I was probably going to be petite like my Mummy, but my Mummy wasn’t convinced.  She had just seen her NCT friends and said that their babies were twice the size of me.


So a number of you have been wondering what I have been up to and I’m sure that many of you are thinking that growing doesn’t sound like it is really something that can keep you pre-occupied.  Well you are wrong.  Growing is a lot of hard work, and to be honest it seems to have co-incided with Mummy and Daddy being quite tired and frankly a little bit cranky.  Over the last few weeks I have had more visitors, one of whom is Aunty Yosh.

Aunty Yosh

The eagle eyed amongst you will remember that she won the bottle of champagne by guessing my birthday.  Luckily for Daddy she didn’t spot that so she left empty handed.  Mummy was happy to see her because she brought her favourite wine.  I slept very well that night.

At the weekend I went to the rugby with Daddy.  England won against Australia

England vs Australia

Ok thats not quite true.  Even my Daddy is not so irresponsible as he would take a six week old baby to a game with 80,000 people.  He went though, leaving me with Mummy.  To be perfectly honest I think that Daddy would have taken me along if Mummy had let him.  He probably would have dressed me up in and England kit and then used me to get through all of the crowds.

The following day I went to see Uncle Shawn and Aunty Vanessa.  I don’t have pictures of that because Mummy and Daddy were too busy stuffing themselves with Thanksgiving Dinner.  Aunty Vanessa is due to pop any day now.  I’m not sure what “popping” means exactly.  I think it has something to do with having a baby but Daddy says that I am too young to understand.  I can’t work out if it is one of those things that he is going to tell me about later (when Mummy is out of the way) or whether the is serious.  Daddy is difficult to read, he has started to make me smile.  I have learnt to smile recently and honestly I like it.  It makes me feel good and seems to make everyone around me do the same thing.  Ok Mummy doesn’t smile so often, but everyone else does.  Daddy says that Mummy is just tired because I wake her up at night so sometimes when we are on our own I try and smile for Mummy.

Ok I have to go now, but over the next week I will being seeing lots of new people.  Mummy and Daddy still haven’t taken me on a long journey yet because I cry when I get in the car seat.  I don’t know why I do it, I just can’t help it.  Hopefully they will be able to get some practice in before I go and see my grandparents at Christmas.

Hope you are all well!

Week 5 Crankiness!

Its been a while since my last post – sorry for that.  The fact of the matter is I’ve been really cranky since getting to 4.5 weeks and it has been going on all week.  I don’t know what it is but suddenly I’ve felt some changes going on and have wanted to cry.  The only thing that makes me feel better is being held by my Mummy or feeding.  Sometimes Mummy and Daddy sing to me, but that isn’t very good because neither of them can sing.

Daddy says that I am going through a mental leap.  He has been reading a book called the Wonder Weeks that Uncle Dan and Aunty Mithu recommended to him.  He is hoping that I will be alright soon, but Mummy isn’t convinced.

#1 BestSeller – Baby Development Book

The highlights of the week for me have been going to my local pub, the Pepper St. Ontiod, with Mummy, Thama and Dadu.

Pub in the afternoon anyone?
Pub in the afternoon anyone?

Ontiod is a funny word isn’t it?  Daddy says that the pub is on Pepper Street “On the Isle of Dogs” and that is where the pub gets its name.  Mummy isn’t sure whether to believe him but says it sounds plausible.  I don’t spend all of my time in pubs though.  I also went to a coffee shop.

Don't look at Mummy's hair.
Don’t look at Mummy’s hair.

A few weeks ago I posted a photo of my Mummy when she was a baby and me.  I think you will all agree that I don’t look like her at all.  I look like my Daddy, and I can prove it.  I got Thama to bring down a photo for me and I put them together.  See for yourself.

Separated at birth?
Separated at birth?

Daddy says that I have even started to pull the same face, although he hasn’t managed to get a photo of it yet.

So this week is a big week for me.  I am going for my six week check up.  Hopefully I make it through this developmental leap that I am going through – otherwise Daddy will be getting a new book to read.

Weekend antics.

This weekend was another jam-packed weekend of meeting friends.  We met Mummy and Daddy’s friends Uncle Shawn and Aunty Vanessa in Canary Wharf for some coffee and cake.

Getting some practice in!
Getting some practice in!

You can’t tell from the photo but Aunty Vanessa is getting some practice in before she has a baby.  I’m really looking forward to that.  I didn’t follow all of the conversations that were going on around the table that day but it sounded to me like Uncle Shawn is particularly looking forward to his in-laws coming to stay for a month!

Mummy and Daddy have been up to their old tricks again and seem to have worked out a few ways to get me to sleep at night.  They used something they call a “dummy”.  On Sunday they were bragging to their friends that I had slept through.    I made them look like Dummies though on Sunday night by waiting until they fell asleep before waking them up!  They will never defeat me!

On Sunday I met loads of people.  I also went for Sunday lunch in a pub.  Mummy and Daddy introduced me to Uncle Alastair and Aunty Sarah and their children Izzy and Elsie.  Do you remember me telling you about them?  They brought me their bouncer.

Izzy kissing Lori

Here is Izzy giving me a kiss.  She is a bit bigger than me but she is very nice and friendly to me.  She doesn’t really like roast dinners – which is good because neither do I.  She likes pitta bread and humous.  My Thama says that she looks like her Daddy, but I think she looks like her Mummy.  She has the same scowl at least.

You couldn't tell they are related could you?
You couldn’t tell they are related could you?

I also met Uncle Jonathan who also seems to be called Uncle Reeves.  He kept talking about his friends who he calls the Freaks.  I think they must be a pop band or something because Uncle Reeves was wearing some very trendy glasses.

Does he look like Chris Evans?
Does he look like Chris Evans?

Talking about trendy, I also later on met Sumit Kaku.  Daddy told me that he has known Sumit Kaku since he was my age.  That is hard to imagine especially when he was talking about surgeries, hangovers and networking.

Make sure you don't drop me.
Make sure you don’t drop me.

I’ll see you at Christmas Kaku – make sure you get me something good!

This week is the last week when my grandparents are going to be here, so I’m going to enjoy it as much as I can.  From next week it will just be Mummy, Daddy and me.  I wonder what that will be like?  Mummy says she is nervous, but also she is looking forward to battling with me on my own.  She seems to have a new found confidence after her recent victories with me, and even has been driving around London.  Tomorrow she is taking me for a weigh-in at the local clinic.  If I have gained weight I am sure she will be even more confident!

Have a nice week everybody!

Doctor or a photographer?

Daddy has been ill recently so has avoided me.  I’m not sure whether he was really ill or pretending because he seemed to enjoy having his own room and sleeping a lot.  Anyway he seems to be back now and today he was up to his usual tricks.  Because Mummy didn’t take me to get weighed this week he was trying to fashion some kind of device to put me on to weigh me.  I wasn’t happy because it was cold so I wee’d on him.

This week my Mummy’s parents left and my Daddy’s parents have come to visit.  Everyone seems to be getting more comfortable taking me out and I even went on a bus and to see the Christmas decorations in Canary Wharf.

I'm trying to get my head around this Christmas business.
I’m trying to get my head around this Christmas business.

My Dida also bought me a Christmas jumper.

I made sure they took this off quickly.
I made sure they took this off quickly.

As you can see I wasn’t happy with this.  I made sure that I poo’d whilst wearing this and the tights that came with it.  Luckily Mummy had a change of clothes ready for me because it was pretty messy.

Anyway you may be wondering why the title of this post is Doctor or photographer.  My Mama (Raj – my Mummy’s brother) is a a Doctor.  Daddy told me that both of my Dadu’s are Doctors and that most of their friends are Doctors.  I don’t really know what a Doctor is.  Daddy was saying that they make sick people better, but then he didn’t seem to see one when he was sick.  He was also shouting about SpinDoctors whilst watching the news and from the sounds of it they are not good people.  Dad was also shouting at the TV whilst watching cricket  and saying Spin Bowlers.  This made me more confused – what is the difference between a Spin Bowler, a Spin Doctor and a Doctor?  I asked Daddy and he said that quite often there is no difference as often they don’t work.

So back to my Mama – he is as you will remember a Doctor.  But the funny thing is, I think he is a actually a photographer.  He was pointing a camera at Mummy and me when he was over.  He wore a polo neck and some funny glasses and kept talking about natural light.  Even though he was acting strange he did come up with some nice photos.

Look at me brooding.
Look at me brooding.

I know that it isn’t difficult to make me look good but he even took photos that Mummy was happy with.

Me and Mummy

Somehow he also managed to take a photo of Mummy, Daddy and me!

Ok I was a bit tired by this point.
Ok I was a bit tired by this point.

Daddy says that he might blow up some of these photos.  I thought they were nice so hope he doesn’t blow them up.  Maybe Mama has saved them so even if Daddy blows them up I can see them again!

Thank you very much Mama!

Do I look like Mummy?

Yesterday some of my Mummy’s old friends from dance came to visit.  Mummy used to dance a type of Indian Dance called Kathak.  Daddy says that it is a better version of Riverdance – lots of foot stamping and spinning.  He says that Mummy was very good and that if I am lucky she might teach me a few moves.  He also says that he is technically a better performer, although hasn’t got the training that Mummy had.  Anyway, Mummy’s friends are called my Mashis (which I guess means an aunty).  Daddy says that he will have to put a glossary up of Indian family terms.

One Mashi is getting married soon!
One Mashi is getting married soon!

Poulami Mashi is getting married in December – I wished her congratulations as even though I want to go, I won’t be able to as it is in India and I am too young to travel on my own.

This morning Daddy took me to a supermarket.  He said he doesn’t like going there and prefers shopping online from somewhere else.  I think it is because of the people who seem to be wearing baby grows despite being grown adults.  I felt really good after he took me out as I have been inside for a few days now.

Daddy loved parking in the Parent and child spots.
Daddy loved parking in the Parent and child spots.

When we got home I had a bit of a rest and then some of my friends came to visit.

They are so well behaved!
They are so well behaved!

They were all excited to see me because I was so small.  It was nice seeing them, and Aunty Gen gave Mummy some tips about feeding me.  I’m not sure that I will like the tips as currently I can wrap Mummy around my little finger.  I think Aunty Gen may have helped swing things in Mummy’s favour.  I might have to limit their correspondence in the future.  Anyway it was great seeing Max, Manu, Sara, Leah and Elena and I can’t wait to see them again.

Cheeky like Mummy or Daddy?
Cheeky like Mummy or Daddy?

A lot of people have been saying that I look like my Daddy or my grandparents but not really like my Mummy.  She got very upset by this and therefore asked her Mum and Dad to bring some photos of her as a baby.  She wants to prove to people that I look like her.  Personally I think that type of behaviour is a bit desperate, but I wanted to let you decide for yourself.

Ok we both have the same startled expression.
Ok we both have the same startled expression.

I will ask my other grandparents to bring some photos of Daddy and see if I look like him as a baby.  Do you guys think I look like Mummy?

Daddy back to work!

So things have changed over the last few days since my last post.  On Monday my Dad went back to work so I was with Mummy for the entire day on our own.  It was a bit strange as normally there is always someone else around and when I cry someone is there to pick me up.  Mummy is trying something where she lets me cry for a little while to see what happens.  She thinks that I don’t know what is going on, but I do.  In the evening my grandparents Dida and Dadu came to stay so things are normal again and there are lots of people around.  Even still I am trying to test Mummy a bit and have been pushing her about a bit.  I’m feeding when I want, not when she wants – there is only one boss around here now that Daddy is back to work!

As I haven’t posted for a while I thought I’d try and wrap up a few things.  Firstly I’d like to clarify my comments about Skype.  Some people said that my previous comments meant that I don’t like being Skyped.  That is not true – I love it.  Who wouldn’t love the following when it is so funny?

Mummy has been trying to keep Daddy informed of what has been going on with me.  I’ll be honest, she isn’t very good at it.  She keeps leaving her phone in places and putting together videos that don’t really make much sense.  Look at this one.

Mummy seemed to think that I liked wolf whistles, but really I was just confused at what she was doing.

Today Uncle Jeet came to visit.  Uncle is currently helping Mummy and Daddy on our new house.  I hope that Uncle Jeet makes it nice for me.  Mummy says that he needs to be careful about the stairs because my Grandparents won’t want to go up and down too many, especially in and around the kitchen.  I’m sure I heard Daddy whisper to him that he didn’t mind he sneaked in a few more stairs.

Uncle has a white beard.
Uncle has a white beard.

Mummy says that I have two bad habits now.  One is that I seem to be getting the back of my vest wet and the other is that whilst changing I do a pee.  She wants to know whether other babies do the same thing?

Visit to the coffee shop and nappy bins.

After hours coffees.
After hours coffees.

Today we went to the EAT in Aldgate.  Daddy and Kaka decided that they wanted to take me for a drive and as Kaka knows the manager at EAT they decided to take me there.  As it was past six o’clock the shop was shut so I got to avoid the crowds, and boy was it busy in that area.  Daddy says that there are loads of people about for the Tower of London Poppy Garden.  For those who don’t know what it is, it is a commemoration of the lives of fallen British and Colonial soldiers.  I am hoping that some day soon I will get to see it properly.  As Daddy is finishing paternity leave I hope that Mummy takes me there.  Lots of people saw me in the coffee shop and knocked on the door to see if they could come in.  They weren’t allowed, so it felt like I was special.  Afterwards Kaka and his friend were going for drinks.  I knew that Daddy wanted to join them and did consider taking me along, but he decided to be a good boy in the end and take me home for a feed.  He says that Mummy would have gone bananas if he had stayed out.  I don’t know what bananas is, but it doesn’t sound good.

Today Daddy and Kaka were watching the football.  I fell asleep so Daddy told me the score afterwards.  Liverpool lost 1-0 against Newcastle and I was very upset.

He said that if my mood is dictated by Liverpool’s performances, I am going to be an unhappy child.

The one upside to Liverpool losing is that Daddy did not listen to Talksport in the car.  Instead he put on music.  I like music and Daddy said that in particular I seemed to like this song

It is called Lean on Me by Bill Withers – do you know it?  He said that I drifted off to sleep during this song.  Mummy says that I often sleep with my arms above my head like this.

Mummy is looking nice isn't she?
Mummy is looking nice isn’t she?

Mummy is starting to venture out with me a little bit more actually, and yesterday after Akaash and Noah left we went to a local pub to sit in the conservatory whilst the weather was good.  Unfortunately this weekend the weather is going to be cold and wet so we will probably stay at home.

Unseasonably good weather.
Unseasonably good weather.

This week Daddy is going back to work.  I’m not sure what I am going to do when he is at work and I’m not sure whether he will give me much attention when he gets home.  After the responses to his questions about the nappy bin and recycling the cassettes he seems determined to make his own.  He has been watching youtube videos on the subject so I am sure he will let you know how he gets on.  He started muttering something about paying so much for a glorified bin bag.

Anyway I hope you are enjoying my updates – I’ll post again soon.

Happy Halloween Everybody!

Look what my cousins made for me!!!
Look what my cousins made for me!!!

Yesterday my cousins Akaash and Noah came to stay with their parents (my Mama and Mammy, Uncle Raj and Aunty Hannah).  The boys are a bit older than me and I was scared that they might knock me over when they were playing especially because Akaash was worried that my crying would wake him up at night.  I needn’t have worried though as they were very kind to me and brought me lots of presents.  Aunty Hannah (Mammy) also made Mummy and Daddy some Lasagne so overall it was a very happy household!

First of all we went to the park.  It was the first time for a few days that Mummy and I had left the house so it was really nice to get out.  Mummy said that she enjoyed it as well and now promises to take me out every day.  She says that she had got stuck in a bit of a rut feeding me all of the time and looking after the house.  I’m not sure about parks to be honest.  They seem to make people act all crazy.  Aunty Hannah couldn’t resist and ended up playing on everything.  She particularly liked the roundabout.

Mummy and Daddy have noticed that after I have been out of the house I really relax.  Also I get really hungry.  They say that it is really good for me to get some fresh air.  When we got home I was completely wiped out.  Akaash and Noah made sure that nothing disturbed me and that I could get some sleep.

I’m too young to go trick or treating so the boys left today to go home so that they could go.  I hope that in a few years I can join them.  They didn’t leave me empty handed though – they carved me a pumpkin with my name in it.  I am so lucky to have cousins like that.  Mummy and Daddy were also really pleased to have Mama and Mammy over as well.  They say that I might suffer from Colic, and Mammy showed them a really good position to hold me in.  I don’t think I have Colic.  I think that Mummy needs to stop eating weird processed food as it makes my milk taste funny.

Daddy wanted to compile a list of the most useful things to have for a newborn.  One of the things that he says has come in handy is the nappy bin.  He does want to know whether people recycle the cassettes.  He doesn’t want to throw them away and doesn’t really trust that Tower Hamlets recycles anything.  Do any other the other parents know what they do with these?

Big hunk of plastic.
Big hunk of plastic.

Brush with the beautician.

Yesterday my Mummy had some beauty treatments at home with her friend Tedy. Tedy is a beautician who operates all around London and has been doing a variety of treatments on my Mum for a while.  Mummy told me that once she arranged for Daddy to have a pedicure so he raced home from work.  At the same time he needed to sign some legal documents so the law firm sent a trainee to the house with all of the papers.  Daddy was scared that the lawyer would see him at home with his feet out being varnished!

Anyway Tedy was very nice to me and said that in her culture (Bulgaria) when you meet a new baby you need to give them a coin or gold for wealth and prosperity, so Tedy gave me a coin.  I slept with it in my crib.  Its funny that in Hindu culture we have a similar culture.  For some reason Daddy seemed to forget when he saw me. Mummy thinks that he just didn’t get around to it, but Daddy says that when he heard I was a girl he started worrying about how much I was going to cost him in the future and so he didn’t want to give me any ideas.

Anyway you can see me and Tedy here.

We had to pose three times for this!
We had to pose three times for this!

Mummy says I am too young for beauty treatments, but it seems odd given that I regularly have massages and even my nails filed.  You tell me, when you look like this do you need beauty treatments?

I do look a little startled though don't I?
I do look a little startled though don’t I?

One of the things that I wanted to know is what other mothers use for their babies skin.  If you have any tips please either message me or write in the comments.

Have a good day everybody!